Health and Safety
The Policy of J Ryan Group is to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of all staff while at work and to protect visitors and the general public. Safety will always be the first consideration in all matters pertaining to our business activities. The company complies with all statutory requirements, regulations and approved code of practice dealing with Health and Safety where these are applicable to our activities.
All J Ryan Groups employees are trained for all tasks that require completion as part of our contract works. Our management and employees are committed to implementing our safety systems across all projects. J Ryan Group has received Safe T Cert accreditation from the CIF which is an internationally recognized safety cert. This is audited on an annual basis with the aim of continuous improvement across all parts of the business.
Quality control systems are a fundamental part of our business and these systems are constantly being updated to reflect the changing requirements of our customer base. All employees are aware of the company’s quality procedures and along with management ensure that it is to the fore on all projects.
Transport Accreditations
We are a member of both the Irish Road Haulage Association (IRHA) and Freight Transport Association Ireland (FTAI). We see both as an important aid to the Irish Haulage Industry. In 2018 we were delighted to receive Bronze FTAI accreditation. This gave our customers and our own management the comfort to know that our transport and safety systems are aligned with industry best practice. This is audited on an annual basis and our team are currently striving to receive silver status in the near future.